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tv   11 News Today  NBC  January 1, 2013 6:00am-7:00am EST

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year, the senate working on a deal to pull us out of the fiscal cliff. >> the first same-sex couples got married overnight at city hall. i will have a live report. >> will the first day of the new year the covered in snow? we just grab that out of nowhere. [captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 6:00 a.m. >> good morning. happy new year. >> i would be careful when i use that word. >> maybe a flurry but nothing major. making sure i was awake.
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a very quiet forecast to start the new year. we have a lot of clouds in place. it is getting even milder. 38 degrees in pasadena. 37 in pikesville. mostly cloudy skies today. a sprinkle could break out across the area. women have to bump up the high temperature -- we may have to bump up the high temperature. details on the forecast coming up. >> good morning. it is very light. 55 as you travel south on 295. problem free down to 175. everything looks good in terms of problems on 795. liberty road, we have some
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downed wires. 795 looks good. problem free down towards the beltway. 54 southbound on the fort mchenry. everything in great shape at the tunnel. 95 is problem free from white marsh down to the 895 split and continuing to move well in howard county. 12 minutes on the west side outer loop. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> we are officially off the fiscal cliff. your income tax has gone up $5 to $10 on average. >> the senate made the first move. we have more.
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>> it was a rare bipartisan senate vote, 89-8. two hours later, america went off the fiscal cliff. vice president biden came to the capitol. mitch mcconnell spoke for senate republicans. >> we do not think taxes should be going up on anyone. we all knew that if we did nothing that would be going up on everyone. >> the senate voted to reverse % ofy's tax hikes on 98 americans. but to keep the higher rates for families making more than $400,000 a year. president obama took credit. that broke 20 years of opposition to tax hikes. >> republicans said they would never agree to raise tax rates on the wealthiest americans. >> only five senate republicans voted no. >> middle-class families will wake up to the assurance that
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their taxes will not go up $2,200 each. >> not so fast. house speaker and his members might not go along. john boehner sent house members home to celebrate the new year without a vote. >> this is disgusting. everybody involved should be embarrassed. >> the economy could still take a hit. the house takes up whether to follow the senate's lead and hike taxes on the wealthy. steve handelsman, nbc news. >> the first same-sex couples work legally wed in a ceremony at city hall this morning. >> kim dacey is live this morning with all of the details. >> it was an historic night at city hall as the first same-sex couples did get married in a special ceremony this morning.
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seven couples took their vows. the mayor performed the first ceremony. she has marriage power. she also is an ordained minister. she married jim and bill, a couple that has been together for 35 years. they both said with a started dating in the 1970's they never thought they would see the day when they could legally wed. they made it official early this morning. >> i am very happy. this is as happy as i have ever been and to be able to spend the rest of my life with bill legally. and to show the gay community it can be done. >> bill and jim say they hope other states will follow maryland's lead and legalize same-sex marriage. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> thank you. a number of other new laws go into effect as well.
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elections will now be held in the same cycles as the presidential elections. another new law allows a parent the right to freeze credit reports to protect kids and disabled adults from identity theft. advocates hope it will help protect foster kids. you can see more on our website, >> another opportunity to lower the crime rate in the city. the commissioner talked about made.ogress they have >> all of our crime stats are down. and last year was a dynamite year. i think we are going in the right direction.
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>> they will continue to work with the mayor to help the city safer. fireworks unfolded around the world last night. ip in aas even icy dept cold river. >> kurt gregory has more. >> the first major city to celebrate 2013 was in new zealand. in australia, a fireworks display dazzled hundreds of thousands in sydney, with an estimated one billion people watching on tv. a large crowd in china. they counted down to the new year. in tokyo, monks rang bells to cleanse sins. others were letting loose and
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dancing their way into 2013. there are more than 100,000 soldiers serving in afghanistan. that includes more than six to 6000 u.s. forces -- more than 66,000 u.s. forces. in central russia, these brave souls took an icy dip. the water temperature was 37 degrees. the world's tallest building set the stage for a giant celebration. in paris, tens of thousands celebrated at the eiffel tower. while in london, big ben rang out the old and rang in the new. the tradition continued in the big apple. tens of thousands welcomed 2013. kurt gregory, wbal-tv 11 news. >> that brings us to our water cooler question of the day. what are your resolutions for 2013? you can share your response at and on our facebook
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page, or send us an e-mail to >> i would love to see a shot from space of all of the celebrations. >> check it out and google it. >> 6:09. 40 degrees at the airport. and hillary clinton is still in a new york hospital. >> the words to take off your list and some tips to stay safe. that is coming up in the bloomberg business report. >> the raider makes it look like rain is moving in -- the radar makes it look like the rain is moving in. >> we will check on the problems when we come back.
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>> live, local, late-breaking. you're watching wbal-tv 11 news today with stan stovall and mindy basara, double-team insta-weather plus with tony pann and ava marie, and sarah caldwell with traffic pulse 11. wbal-tv 11 news today continues in a moment. [ female announcer ] the magic begins when jif fresh roasts peanuts
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to make peanut butter so deliciously creamy. ♪ it can even be a game changer. that's why choosy moms and dads choose jif. to make just about anything delicious. introducing new jif chocolate flavored hazelnut spread. whatever you put it on... reaches a whole new level of deliciousness. choosy moms choose jif.
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>> welcome back to 11 news today. 6:13. 45 degrees downtown. a mild start to the day. a lot of clouds in place. that will prevent the temperatures from changing much. a storm is moving in from the west. for the most part, these are falling apart. a mostly dry day. we have high pressure sitting off the coast. the storm system will pass to the south. temperatures right now are pretty mild. the dew point in the mid 20's at
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the airport and downtown. 20 in chestertown. the lower the number, the drier the air. the relative humidity is 50%. we have very dry air. we will see a lot of clouds. and the rain will evaporate. temperatures will be in the upper 30's and the low 40's. a next storm system will slide down to the south. this is a close call. i don't think anything will be happening even on sunday. we will see a lot of clouds and temperatures near 40 degrees throughout the week.
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40 on thursday with a slight chance of rain fall down to the south. the next storm will pass to our south. a quiet start to 2013. >> quiet on most of the area roads. we start near baltimore county at cherry hill road. we are tracking an accident coming in here. 55 miles per hour down to the fort mchenry. there is it northbound problem near moravia road. there is an accident off to the side. 795 is all clear down to the beltway. not tracking any delays on the beltway at the moment. eastbound traffic on 70 looks
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good. this is 95 at the white marsh area. not bad down to the 895 split. seven minutes to go south on 95 from the beltway to 100. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> thank you. doctors are confident hillary clinton will make a full recovery from white blood clot that forms in her head. the clot did not result in a stroke. she is expected to stay in a hospital for another day. there was a shooting that killed two people. nearly 40,000 people were gathered for a fireworks show when shots were fired.
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colors will make the way through the streets of pasadena for the annual rose parade as millions of people watched around the world. the tournament of roses parade will be hosted by al roker and will kick off at 11:00 a.m. this morning right here on tv 11. >> 2012 is officially over and that is good news for drivers. gasoline prices were the highest ever last year. it was up 9% from the previous record a year before. gas to not hit the highest price which was $4.11 back in 2008. 2012 was a record year for movies.
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this year may be even better. a number of high-profile sequels are set to hit theaters. aig is sending american think he's a huge thank-you note. we have more from the new york stock exchange in the bloomberg business report. >> good morning. aig thanking american taxpayers for footing the bill for their bailout. they're launching a "thank you, american" campaign, which will feature online ads. the ceo is proud of the work the company has done to rebuild. they were on the brink of collapse before the bailout. stocks ending yesterday sharply higher, and trading is closed today because of the new year's holiday. as to start this new year -- as
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you start this new year, there are a few words you may want to refrain from using. according to a list, the term that topped the list of what people do not want to hear is "fiscal cliff." also included is "guru" and "double down." new year's eve is known as a dangerous time to drive. today is statistically the deadliest time of the year to take a walk. research found that pedestrian deaths were the highest on new year's day, and more than half of those killed had a high alcohol level. some tips to stay safe if you plant walking tod on walking to. stay on sidewalks and always cross at designated cross walks. walk with a buddy. this is the bloomberg business report. >> 6:19. >> john harbaugh talks about the
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process that should have them ready for their game on sunday against the colts. seven nfl coaches fired. >> don't forget to e-mail us your response to our water cooler question of the day. what are your resolutions for 2013? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to >> here is a look at last night's winning maryland lottery numbers.
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sfx- "sounds of african drum and flute" look who's back. again? it's embarrassing it's embarrassing! we can see you carl. we can totally see you. come on you're better than this...all that prowling around. yeah, you're the king of the jungle. have you thought about going vegan carl? hahaha!! you know folks who save hundreds of dollars by
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switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than antelope with night-vision goggles. nice! get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> good morning. sarah caldwell checking on your morning commute. right now and looks pretty clear and most of the area roads. fork road and kuro cherry hill road. we have an accident at maria the d.avia roa westbound liberty road, watch for the downed wires taking up the right lane. this is 795. no problems to report down to the beltway.
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48 on the j.f.x. traveling reet.ds 28th straigh that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> we had pleasant weather overnight. high pressure cap does mostly mostly dry. there is some moisture trying to creep into the mid-atlantic. maybe a sprinkle today. minneapolis, minus three. we will stay ok into the upcoming days. highs in the low to mid 40's today. details coming up in the seven- day coming up in just a little bit. >> good morning.
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happy new year. hope you had a great time last night. if you're watching, i will assume you probably did not. the ravens into the postseason for a fifth consecutive year. they will try to extend that streak and get a win in the postseason. they have been a very good team. the ravens are preparing for indianapolis. they follow a process that has worked. >> process is a better word than routine. it is new challenges every week. we will stick to our process. we will try to do the best all year. we have had 16 chances to go through this process. we should be at our best this time of year. we need to be. >> seven coaches were fired on monday.
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rex ryan was not one of them. the jets' head coach finished at 6-10. as expected, andy reid is out in philadelphia. they only won four games. the surprise of the day was in chicago. lovie smith was fired. 81-67 with the bears. they began at 7-1 but then missed the playoffs. here is the full graphic. norv turner in san diego. cleveland. smith done in chicago. nearly 1/4 of the teams in the nfl fired their coach. that is a tough business. that is a look at sports. i am pete gilbert. happy new year. >> lawmakers still have to do
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with another debt ceiling issue. >> the house must approve the deal passed by the senate. >> the first same-sex couples in maryland get married. >> not a lot of cars out there. we have a couple of accidents we are track
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>> you're watching wbal-tv 11. live, local, late-breaking. this is 11 news today at 6:00 a.m. >> good morning. welcome back to 11 news today. i'm stan stovall. >> and i'm mindy basara. thanks for joining us for 11 news today. this is the first day of 2013. a pretty good start to the new year. >> temperatures have been warming. we have westerly winds. that is causing the error to compress. dew point
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is 25. 38 degrees in pasadena. mostly cloudy skies. temperatures in the upper 30's and low 40's. a sprinkle as possible. not a bad start into 2013. more details are coming up. >> a big move to avoid the fiscal cliff. >> the measure now goes to the house later today. we have more. >> many americans were celebrating at the stroke of midnight. but the word in washington was ut the modd in in washing
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washington was much more serious. joe biden went to capitol hill late on monday night. they went back into session. >> the bill as amended has passed. >> it puts off spending cuts for two months. it keeps the bush era tax cuts for individuals earning less than $400,000 and couples making less than $450,000. harry reid said their goal was to protect america's middle class. >> families will wake up today to the assurance that their taxes will not go up $2,200 each. they can plan to pay for groceries and rent during next year. >> republicans agreed to the measure rather than let the middle class suffer. >> we do not think taxes should be going up on anybody. >> we all knew that if we did
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nothing, they would be going up on everyone today. we were not going to let that happen. >> the house reconvenes today at noon and is expected to take up that measure at that time. >> it is the first of the year meeting a number of new laws go into effect in maryland. >> couples were able to get marriage licenses as early as december. kim dacey is live with the details. hi, kim. >> it was truly an historic night at city hall as several same-sex couples took their wedding vows. >> we met in 1977 and i did not believe gay people would see the time that they could marry. >> they were the first same-sex couple to be legally wed at city hall. the mayor presided over the ceremony.
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>> it is a very emotional night. incredible meaningful night. there are so many people who have a chance now to have the life they have wanted for themselves and their family. i am so proud of maryland. we chose equality over hate. >> seven couples took their vows this morning. the culmination of a long battle of marriage equality. the referendum on the ballot was highly debated but ultimately passed. >> i am very happy. this is as happy as i have ever been, and to be able to spend the rest of my life with bill legally. and to show the gay community this can be done. >> they have some advice for other same-sex couples. >> do not abuse it. be sure it is love before you say "i do." >> they hope other states will follow maryland's lead in
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legalizing same-sex marriage. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> tracking a few problems on this new year's day. not a lot of cars are out there. northbound 895, we are tracking an accident off to the road on moravia road. this looks like it is gone at cherry hill road in baltimore county. downed wires on liberty road. so far so good on the north and west side of the beltway. we anticipate lighter volume today. 12 minutes to go on the outer loop west side down to 95. south on 95, eight minnute
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travel time. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. if has a check of your forecast -- ava has a check of your forecasts. >> 45 right now downtown. 36 in parkton. a storm system is trying to move its way in from the west. maybe you'll see a sprinkle with mostly cloudy skies. temperatures should be warming into the 40's this afternoon. 28 to start the day tomorrow. very quiet for this upcoming week. we have minimal chances for rain. something passing to our south on thursday and sunday. >> 6:35. 40 degrees at the airport.
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putting it fruitcakes to a good use. >> what prize these runners got once they crossed the finish line. >> we are still taking your answers to our water cooler question of the day. what are your resolutions for 2013? you can share your response at and on our facebook page, or send us an e-mail to watercooler@wbaltv
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>> everybody prepares for a night out differently. 1800 racers took to the streets in germany. it wasn't all about the exercise. the coveted reward was a dull oughnut. >> a doughnut? times are tough. >> i would not be running that fast for a doughnut. >> fruitcakes can be tasty. these for put to good use last weekend. this was the fruit cake fling.
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one person cannot but the idea because he is not a fan. picked him up and regifck them t them. >> i like that idea. 6:40. >> we are not tracking much in terms of volume. >> i am imagining fruitcake fossils. the forecast looks very quiet. temperatures off to a mild start. this is a live look outdoors. 40 degrees at b.w.i. marshall
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>> welcome back to 11 news today. 6:44. the u.s. senate has passed a deal to avoid the fiscal cliff. the white house reached an agreement with senate republicans late on monday on a deal to stop spending cuts from taking effect automatically. it's not just the fiscal cliff lawmakers have to worry about. the treasury department is taking steps to buy time. the vote to raise the debt ceiling sets the stage for another fight on capitol hill. doctors are confident hillary
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clinton will make a full recovery from a blood clot that formed inner hea her head. the clot did not cause neurological damage. >> gurd fax millions of americans and doctors say cases are on the rise. -- gurd effects millions of americans. donna hamilton has more. >> reflexing from the stomach into the esophagus. it is ok to have acid in your stomach but not in the esophagus. >> the doctor is talking about
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the reflux disease or gurd, treated most of the time with acid medications. >> in most situations, they work very well. you'll always have a small minority of patients that did not respond to acid medication alone. >> sir jury may be the best option to correct -- surgery may be the best option to correct tehe gurd. >> we try to recreate the valve to keep the acid from coming back up. >> the procedure takes a few hours. patients usually stay overnight in a hospital. >> most people will stay on its soft diet to avoid any
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irritation. there is some swelling that happens after the surgery. it can be difficult to swallow after the first days and weeks. >> now insta-weather plus and traffic pulse 11 together. >> hope you are enjoying your breakfast. that was a great story to go along with it. this accident is gone at moravia road. 57 down from padonia. traffic is light down to the beltway. westbound liberty road, there are some of downed wires taken up the right lane. light r day of th traffic. light volume to and from the
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capital beltway. 12 minutes on the west side outer loop. area bridges in great shape at this hour. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> we really lucked out with mild temperatures. 40 degrees right o and beat the ibm marshall. 45 downtown. compare that to how cold it is in the west. denver really at 12 degrees -- 40 degrees right now at b.w.i. marshall. we're expecting get warmup into the afternoon. a little cooler in the northwest suburbs. 36 in york, pennsylvania. the wind is coming in and out of
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the west. southwest winds across the lower eastern shore. the air compresses and it warms. we're seeing milder air. very dry air in place. .ew points or in the 20's you need higher humidity to get a better chance for rain. a storm is trying to make its way over the mountains and is falling apart. all that rain on the radar is evaporating as it gets closer to the surface. if we see any rain, it will be minimal. this front having a tough time making its way east.
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our wind direction will change and bring down our temperatures a little bit. the storm system to our south will stay to our south. highs in the upper 40's for some. we're very quiet for the first week of the january. a couple of the storm systems will try to make their way near us. minimal chances for that rain. temperatures in the low 40's each day. >> the first same-sex couples legally wed in a ceremony at city hall last night. kim dacey has more. >> it was an historic night at city hall as the first same-sex couples did get married in a special ceremony this morning.
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seven couples took their vows. the mayor performed the first ceremony. she married a couple that had been together for 35 years. they never thought they would see the day when they could legally wed. bill and jim hope other states will follow maryland's lead in legalizing same-sex marriage. kim dacey, wbal-tv 11 news. >> the mayor has the ability to perform marriages? >> as mayor she is allowed to perform marriages. she got ordained also. >> very interesting. 6:40. coming up, we'll look at your answers to our water cooler question of the day. >> we'll take a last look at
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weather and traffic together before you head out to start your day.
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>> time to get to your answers to our water cooler question of the day. >> this morning we asked, what are your resolutions for 2013? >> good for him.
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[laughter] >> that is a lot of resolutions. >> this last one is for any tech geeks out there. he is talking about screen resolutions. i had to ask the producer. thank you for sending in your responses. >> here are some stories you'll find at 7:00 a.m. on wbal plus. another controversial issue taking the hot seat in maryland -- access to guns. >> folks in china jump-start their new year with a chilly dip. >> all right.
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light outssing it is there. >> we are checking the b-w parkway, 55 miles per hour. a live picture shows flowing smoothly at padonia. downed wires on liberty road. so far so good on the north and west sides of the beltway. ok on the major roadways but a couple of issues on the side roads. >> the new year starting off mild. >> we stayed above freezing. today temperatures should be in the low to mid 40's. maybe a quick spring go to our south. a storm passes to our south on
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thursday. very uneventful. people have new year's resolutions to work out. >> what is your resolution? >> to get in better shape. the rose parade today at 11:00 a.m. today. folks look forward to that. >> thanks for joining us for 11 news today. >> we will be back with a live update at 7:25. a look back at last night's inner harbor fireworks. a great day and happy new year. [cheers]
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